Most Misunderstood Day of the Year
While those who died are also remembered on Veterans Day, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military - in wartime or peacetime. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served - not only those who died - have sacrificed and done their duty.
The wearing of poppies in honor of America's war dead is traditionally done on Memorial Day.
Those who say, "Happy Memorial Day," do not understand this solemn time. Most Americans confuse Memorial Day as a time for celebration, fun, bar-b-que's, and huge sale events.
Before you bite into that burger, say a prayer of thanks to those who made the ultimate sacrifice so you can enjoy what you are about to partake. If you shop the sales, remember that these possessions and services are courtesy of our military dead.
Please think of those who died, veterans who lost their buddies, and families who lost their loved ones, before you utter, "Happy Memorial Day!" It is not a day of happiness, but of remembrance and honoring. Perhaps it is best to say "Blessed Memorial Day!"
Today, we turn our thoughts and activities to reflect all those who died in the line of service. We also keep in our hearts surviving families who, although they did not fight in the wars, fought on a different battlefield. As well, please remember those lost on 9/11; additionally, others who have given their lives protecting us in the line of duty (police, fire and paramedics). As we go about our day today, please be mindful that this is a day for the dead. Envision in your minds-eye spending the day in a cemetery where the heroes we honor on Memorial Day have been laid to rest.